castello carafa, chiesa matrice


welcome and introduction to keynote


Carlo Focarelli_Profile photo
  • Professor of International Law, Università degli Studi ‘Roma Tre’





Dr Kearrin Sims' photo
  • Senior Lecturer in Development Studies, James Cook University

    Dr Kearrin Sims is a critical development scholar, with training in International Relations and Sociology. Kearrin is interested in how power and politics shape development, with a particular concern for the ways in which so-called ‘development’ processes often serve elites and further disadvantage the vulnerable and impoverished. Three core themes of his research are development geopolitics and Asian regionalism; technopolitics and econocentrism; and practice-oriented alternatives.

    Dr Sims has sought to maintain a diverse academic profile of research, programme design and evaluation, policy inputs, service to his field(s), academic and mainstream media contributions, teaching and curriculum design. Roles held include: President of the Development Studies Association of Australia; Executive Committee Member of the Research for Development Impact Network; Review Editor for Asian Studies Review; Course Convenor Master of Global Development, JCU; Research Fellow, The Cairns Institute; Research Consultant UN OHCHR; Lead Editor, Routledge Handbook of Global Development.



Cephas Lumina's photo
Mary Footer's photo
  • Professor of International Law and Global Governance, University of Edinburgh

    Professor Andrew Lang joined Edinburgh Law School in 2017 as the Chair in International Law and Global Governance. Prior to that, he was Professor of Law at the London School of Economics, and before that a Fellow of Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge. He is an expert in Public International Law, with a specialty in International Economic Law and the Law of the World Trade Organization. His research focusses broadly on the role of international legal structures in the constitution of global markets, and on the ways in which global institutions of economic governance reconfigure state formations globally. His current projects include an account of the relationships between global regulatory governance and the propagation of variegated forms of the regulatory state from the 1980s onwards, and an assessment of the contemporary strategies, programmes and techniques of government currently emerging at the global level under the rubric of 'regulatory agility'.

  • Visiting Professor of Constitutional and International Human Rights Law, University of Lusaka; Advocate of the High Court of Zambia; former UN Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights (2008-2014)

    Cephas Lumina is Visiting Professor of Constitutional and International Human Rights Law at the University of Lusaka, an Advocate of the High Court of Zambia and, formerly, Full Research Professor of Constitutional and Human Rights Law at the University of Fort Hare (2014-2019), Extra-Ordinary Professor of Human Rights Law at the University of Pretoria (2010-2018) and Visiting Professor at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (2007-2008). He has served as a Member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (2017-2021) and UN Independent Expert on the foreign debt and human rights (2008-2014). In the latter capacity, he wrote the Guiding Principles on Foreign Debt and Human Rights, endorsed by the Human Rights Council in July 2012. Professor Lumina holds a PhD in International Human Rights Law (Griffith University), an LLM in International Human Rights Law (University of Essex), an LLB (University of Zambia) and a Postgraduate Diploma in International Protection of Human Rights (Abo Akademi University). He is co-editor (with Ilias Bantekas) of Sovereign Debt and Human Rights (Oxford University Press 2018). Professor Lumina is a member of the African Network of Constitutional Lawyers, the International Law Association and the editorial boards of the International Human Rights Law Review and Southern African Public Law.

  • Professor Emerita of International Economic Law, University of Nottingham

    Mary Footer is Professor Emerita of International Economic Law at the University of Nottingham and former co-director of the Nottingham International Law and Security Centre (NILSC). Prior to her appointment at Nottingham from 2005-2019, she taught at the University of Amsterdam, the Erasmus University Rotterdam and University College London. From 1995-1999, she served as full-time, Senior Program Legal Counsel, IDLO, Rome. Professor Footer has been a visiting professor at inter alia Università di Bologna; Europa Institut, Saarbrücken; and World Trade Institute, Bern. She has been a research scholar at Università degli Studi di Perugia (2022), a visiting scholar at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge (2014), and a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at EUI, Florence (2010). Professor Footer has received funding from the Nuffield Foundation for research on soft law, and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)-WOTRO, Security and the Rule of Law programme, to investigate business, human rights and security in the Indonesian natural resources sector. She was the Co-ordinator and Ethical Lead for the EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-Innovative Training Network EUTIP (2017-2021) for early stage researchers. Professor Footer chaired the ILA Committee on Sustainable Development and the Green Economy in International Trade Law (2014-2022). She is on the list of potential Arbitrators and Experts on Trade and Sustainable Development for disputes arising under EU bilateral trade agreements with third states.





Martina Buscemi's photo
  • Assistant Professor of International Law, Università degli Studi di Milano ‘La Statale’

    Martina Buscemi is Assistant Professor of International Law at the University of Milan and since 2020 she has been qualified as Associate Professor. Her research interests and publications cover different topics of international law, including the law of international responsibility, the law of the international organisations and human rights related issues. She has published in renown international and national journals and is the author of a book on the remedies available for human rights violations committed by the United Nations (Illeciti delle Nazioni Unite e tutela dell’individuo, Napoli, 2020) and co-editor of the volume on business and human rights, published in 2020 with Brill. She worked at the University of Florence as a Post-Doc and has been a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Utrecht, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, and the Kobe University. Since 2018 she is assistant editor of Questions of International Law and since 2021 is editor of SIDI-Blog.



Veronika Bilkova_Photo
Cedric Ryngaert_Photo
Micaela Frulli_Photo
  • Professor of International Law and Head of the Department of International and European Law, Utrecht university

    Prof. Dr. Cedric Ryngaert (PhD Leuven 2007) is Chair of Public International Law at Utrecht University (Netherlands) and Head of the Department of International and European Law of the University’s Law School. His research interests relate to the law of jurisdiction, immunities, international security law, international criminal law, non-state actors, the role of international law before domestic courts, sanctions, international responsibility, and international organisations. Among other publications, he authored Jurisdiction in International Law (OUP 2015, 2nd ed), Selfless Intervention: The Exercise of Jurisdiction in the Common Interest (OUP 2020), and, with Tom Ruys, Secondary Sanctions (British Yb Int’l 2020). Cedric Ryngaert is the chair of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Law (CAVV). He is also the editor-in-chief of the Netherlands International Law Review and the Utrecht Law Review. Previously, he taught at Leuven University and the Military Academy of Belgium.

  • Professor and Head of the Department of International Law, Charles University; Member of the Venice Commission (for Democracy through Law) of the Council of Europe

    Prof. Veronika Bílková is the Head of the Department of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague and Senior Researcher in the Centre for International Law at the Institute of International Relations, Prague (Czech Republic). She is member of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe (since 2010) and of the Management Board of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (since 2020). She is also the Vice-President of the European Society of International Law and the chair of the Czech Committee for Human Rights of Older Persons. She was member of the two expert missions on Ukraine established within the OSCE Moscow Mechanism in 2022. Her fields of research include the use of force, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law and the fight against terrorism. She has published extensively in Czech, English and French.

  • Professor of International Law, Università degli Studi di Firenze

    Micaela Frulli is Full Professor of International Law at the University of Florence. She was Marie Curie Fellow at the European University Institute (2010) with a project on the protection of cultural heritage through international criminal law. She coordinated several national and international research projects. Her main areas of interest include international criminal law, the law of immunities, the use of force in international law, human rights, gender equality and women’s rights. Amongst her publications: Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence: A Commentary on the Istanbul Convention, co-edited with Sara De Vido, Edward Elgar Publishers, forthcoming; International Law and Chemical, Biological, Radio-Nuclear (CBRN) Events. Towards an All-Hazards Approach (co-edited with Federico Casolari, Andrea de Guttry and Ludovica Poli, BRILL, 2022 available here); The duty of care of International Organizations towards their Civilian Personnel (co-edited with Andrea de Guttry and Edoardo Greppi, Asser Press, 2018); War Crimes and the Conduct of Hostilities. Challenges to Investigation and Adjudication (co-edited with Judge F. Pocar and M. Pedrazzi, Elgar, 2013). She is Managing Co-Editor of the open access journal QIL Questions of International Law; she is a Member of the Italian Society of International Law (SIDI), the European Society of International Law (ESIL) and member of the board of the International Law Association-Italian Branch.





Diego Mauri_Photo
  • Assistant Professor of International Law, Università degli Studi di Palermo

    Diego Mauri holds a PhD in Human Rights: Evolution, Protection and Limits from the University of Palermo (2019). He is the author of the monograph Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Protection of the Human Person. An International Law Analysis (2022). He teaches international law in Trapani (University of Palermo) and international organisations and peace maintenance on the LLM Leadership and Strategic Analysis (University of Florence and Italian Air Force). After graduating in Law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan in 2015, he was Postdoc Researcher in International Law at the University of Florence (2018-2022) where he conducted research on new technologies and international law and on the regulation of CBRN events by international and EU law. He is member of the editorial committee of SIDIBlog (the official blog of the Italian Society of International and EU Law - SIDI) and Quaderni di SIDIBlog, and member of the steering committee of SIDI Interest Group on Domestic Law and International Law (DIEDI). He is a member of the diplomatic delegation of the Holy See to UN Group of Governmental Experts on autonomous weapons systems (from 2016). His areas of interest include the impact of AI on international law, namely as regards the use of force, human rights law, the relationship between the international and domestic legal orders, as well as the law of outer space.


chiesa matrice, CASTELLO CARAFA

  • Emeritus Professor of International and European Law, European University Institute; former legal advisor in the German Ministry of Economic Affairs, GATT and the WTO, and former representative of Germany in UN and European institutions

    Born on 26 August 1945 in Hamburg (Germany), Mr. Petersmann studied law and economics at the Universities of Berlin, Heidelberg and Freiburg (Germany), Geneva and the London School of Economics before receiving his doctor juris utriusque from the Law Faculty of Heidelberg University (1976) and his admission to the bar in 1977. He taught constitutional law at the Universities of Hamburg and Heidelberg and worked as legal counsellor in Germany’s Ministry of Economic Affairs representing Germany in European and UN institutions (1978-1980), as well as legal counsel in GATT (1981-1990) and legal consultant for GATT and the WTO (1990-2023). He served as secretary, member or chairman on GATT and WTO dispute settlement panels and as chairman of the International Trade Law Committee of the International Law Association (1999-2014).

    Following his ‘habilitation’ at the University of Fribourg (1989), he was a Professor of international law and European law at the Universities of St. Gallen, Fribourg, Geneva, the Geneva Graduate Institute of International Relations and the European University Institute at Florence, where he also served as head of the Law Department. As a visiting professor, Dr. Petersmann taught international economic law at the Hague Academy of International Law, the EUI Academy of European Law, the Xiamen Academy of International Law, and at numerous Universities in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, the USA, Latin-America, South-Africa, China, India and Singapore. His publications include more than 35 books and 380 contributions to books and academic journals focusing on international law, European law and comparative constitutional law.

  • Professor of International Law, Riga Graduate School of Law; Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union; former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights and former President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia

    Ms Ineta Ziemele born in 1970 in Jelgava, obtained a law degree from the Latvijas Universitāte (University of Latvia) in 1993, which she supplemented that year by a postgraduate study of the American legal system, the law and politics of the European Communities and political science (University of Aarhus, Denmark). She went on to obtain a Masters in international law at the Lunds Universitet (University of Lund, Sweden) in 1994 and completed her studies at Cambridge University, where she received her PhD in law in 1999.

    She began her professional career as a parliamentary assistant at the Latvian Parliament from 1990 to 1992, before working as a consultant to the Foreign Affairs committee of the Republic of Latvia from 1992 to 1995. Appointed as an adviser to the Prime Minister of Latvia in 1995, she held the same position at the Directorate General of Human Rights of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (France) from 1999 to 2001.

    Moreover, Ms Ziemele taught from 1993 as a university assistant in the Legal and Political Theory Department and the International Law and Law of the Sea Department and in International Law and European Law at the Latvijas Universitāte. She went on to work as a lecturer in International Law and European Law until 1999, while she founded the Human Rights Institute, of which she was the director also until 1999, at the Latvijas Universitāte. She was the 'Söderberg' Professor, then visiting professor at the Rīgas Juridiskā augstskola (Riga Graduate School of Law, Latvia), where she held the position of International Law and Human Rights Law professor from 2001. From 2001 to 2005, she also taught at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute at the University of Lund as a visiting professor.

    Ms Ziemele’s career in the judiciary began in 2005 with her appointment as a judge at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, where she also held the position of President of Chamber until 2014. She was appointed as a judge at the Latvijas Republikas Satversmes tiesa (Constitutional Court, Latvia) in 2015 and served as its President from 2017 to 2020.

    From 2017 she held the position of corresponding Member of the Academy of Science of Latvia to which she contributed though her legal research, resulting in numerous publications.

    Ms Ziemele was appointed as a judge at the Court of Justice on 6 October 2020, a position she has held since then.

    Memberships of legal, cultural, artistic, social, sporting or charitable foundations, organisations or establishments:

    • Corresponding Member of the Academy of Science of Latvia

    • Chief editor of the Baltic Yearbook of International Law

    Honorary titles and awards

    • Triju Zvaigžņu ordenis (Class IV) award (Latvia) (2014)

    • Award of the Cabinet of Ministers (Latvia) for her significant contribution to the development of the Latvian legal system, the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law, and for her accomplishments in the field of legal science (2016)

    • Medal of Honour of the first degree of the judicial system (Latvia) (2018)

    • Honorary diploma conferred by the Region of Jelgava (Latvia) (2018)

  • Professor of International, European and Public Comparative Law, University of Innsbruck

    Dr. Peter Hilpold is Professor of International Law, EU Law and Public Comparative Law at the University of Innsbruck. He holds several University degrees and has been granted a series of academic awards. He is a member of several editorial boards and advisory boards of international law and human rights law journals and the author of over 300 publications.